Blue Sky Thinking

Part of the beauty of having our business headquartered in New Zealand is the lifestyle. 

 We are dedicated to being a global business and our geographic remoteness has historically meant a lot of work travel. But on the plus side we live by the beach, commute 20 minutes to work and can holiday in the mountains. 

 Duncan recently got away to do some blue-sky planning. He flew 2 hours south and then up to the Tasman Glacier in Aoraki National Park - then 5 days ski touring before helicoptering out back to civilisation. Great to clear the head and focus on the higher priorities!

 One of the discussion themes we have been chewing over since his return that is that the world is getting a bit smaller. COVID times have accelerated our use of video sales presentations and training services delivered over the internet. It won’t replace the need for travel and great supply chain, but people seem a lot more comfortable with digital communication in 2022 in our space. We would appreciate any feedback. Perhaps the best insight wins a mountain holiday next year…

Blue Sky Thinking

Date: 22 Nov 2022